Statement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


The arts are integral to our everyday lives, whether they be visual, literary, media, applied, multidisciplinary, or performing. Noteworthy Philadelphia’s mission is to improve the musical skills of young adult vocalists, provide music enrichment to the community, and imbue the community with music.

To combat some of the biases and inequities of society, we aim to create an inclusive environment that empowers all members to learn, grow, and better understand the world through music. Celebrating our communities' culture and diversity is important to us; therefore, we make a commitment to exemplifying that diversity best we can by having:

  • A young adult, music-centered organization that acknowledges, includes, and encourages members and leadership from various backgrounds and abilities.

  • The pursuit of musical and cultural enrichment and through diverse and inclusive musical selections.

  • Accountability and action towards the success and management of diversity and equity.

  • A welcoming environment that encourages ideas, continuous personal and professional growth, and musical enrichment for all members

  • Engagement and collaboration across different partnership groups through community workshops, mutual promotion, and shared performances.

  • A focus on equitable excellence in everything that we do.

We reserve the right to amend this statement as new information comes to light.